- I have a new job.
- I could tell you what I think I will be doing, but I actually have very little clue as to what I will actually be doing.
- I will post about it, once it has started and everything is 100% clear that I really do have said job. I do not wish to jinx myself over the internet again.
- It is better than my job at the fabric store.
- I am very glad to be leaving the fabric store. However, I am not glad to have days that start before 10am.
- I have not started yet. I start next Monday.
- I would post a link to the job description, but it also has my pay scale and I don't want everyone knowing and asking me about that.
- It is not a secret job. If you ask me, I will tell you. I just don't want to jinx myself over the internet.
- I am not excited. I am terrified of actually having a real job and actually being a grownup with a business card and a desk.
Is everything clear now? Good. Now can you stop asking me about this in person? Talking about The New Job makes me feel weird and embarrassed (though I am a little bit excited) so I'd like to stop talking about it until I am actually working in The New Job. I'm glad to have it. I'm glad you're glad that I have it. Hooray. I feel very uncool talking about my dorky online journals at parties. Stop making me look like a dork. I will sink through the floor in embarrassment. I will secretly hate you if you insist on this behavior. I will begin to tell the story about that time you were drunk and lit yourself on fire/wet the bed/fell asleep in class/made out with someone horrible/had pinkeye that was hilarious-looking. Don't try to stop me!
Unless we're talking about the Earless Wonder Future Cat, of course. How does Pneu protect her little ear-holes from filling up with Portland rain?