Monday, August 8, 2005

hoofing it at the craft warehouse

On the tip of a friend, I applied today at the Mill End Store, and discovered yet another store where I could work and also spend all of my money. I'm glad I didn't bring my wallet. Dear lord, it had to be the biggest fabric store I have ever set foot in (which speaks to my fabric store experience? maybe?), and I had to walk around and browse for two hours to just take it all in. Yarns and notions and fabrics, oh my! I was overly excited by interesting quilts and am now hatching a plan to make myself a purple velveteen coat. Yes. Like out of Willy Wonka. I swear, I'm a crafty old lady trapped in a twenty-two year old's body.

The store itself, though huge, is pretty warehouse-y with weird lighting. I think working there would require a lot of standing and waiting-- not sure if I'm very excited about that. The tip of the friend says that it is actually not very fun to work there (she works there herself), so not fun that many people just quit-- that's why they're hiring. Hm. Well, I have no pride and even less money, so warehouses be damned. I hope I get an interview with them.

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