Saturday, January 21, 2006

i hate you, washington county

Fuck you, Washington County. You take a ridiculous amount of time to drive to, everything in you is decorated with Jesus stickers, you smoke way too much meth, you beat your kids, and you ding my fucking car with your gigantic SUVs and toss it out of alignment!!!

Not cool, Washington County. Not. Cool.

Also, though this site isn't really interesting enough to merit a sidebar link, I can't stop watching these kids.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

some sort of new content. whatever.

I'm finding that the longer it takes for me to put a new post up in this damn thing, the harder it gets to write. Each new draft becomes more and more unreadable. Every new idea is dumb and un-showable to others, which in itself is a pretty idiotic concept since I'm pretty sure that very few read this blog anymore. I give up on interesting readablity right.... now.

Some events from the last two months:

  • Adjustment to The New Job is pretty much traumatic. By the time holidays roll around, I feel more on an even keel.
  • Thanksgiving (yum).
  • I become addicted to watching scifi-TV-shows-that-shall-remain-nameless-for-now, episode after episode, on my roommate's computer, scaring him completely.
  • My mother goes to Korea, returns, sends hilarious packages.
  • I spend Christmas in a gigantic, satisfying, sulk. I am stuck in Portland for the holidays.
  • My parents tell me my younger sister has shaved her head as a proclamation of her "Freshman at a Liberal Arts College" status. "It's so cute!" my mom says, "Her head looks just like a little chestnut!" I am very sorry I do not witness this.
  • I realize I should never live alone because every sound after midnight is completely terrifying.
  • New Year's is fun but not scary-fun, which is excellent even if it is a boring non-story.
  • Various knitting projects are started, progressed upon, completed. Pictures in the near future.
  • I discover hate commuting. I hate commuting with the very fiber of my soul.
  • I go to Iowa over the MLK weekend. Did you know Des Moines was once a mafia hideout-stop-kind of place? Neither did I.
  • I score some cool stuff from my parents. Like pickles and designer dresses.

I guess that brings us up to date, mostly. Next time: a real entry.